Dogs of Eternity - Cosmic Genocide
Somewhere between Thin Lizzy and Laughing Hyenas exists Dogs of Eternity. Hailing from Philadelphia, PA the larger than life hardcore punk borrows as much from Blu Öyster Cult as they do from thrash crossover. Rock’n’roll attitude delivered with jeering punk attitude, Dogs of Eternity’s Cosmic Genocide is a snarling debut packed to the gills with monumentous riffs.
The EP commences with the spry “Crash Tube”, a stomping punk song adorned with all the finery of pre-hair metal rock’n’roll. “Cosmic Genocide” follows with a snotty subversion of Mötorhead’s finest. Swaggering and boastful, it’s a chest beating announcement of DoE’s identity as riff after riff washes over you. “Hard 1 for Justice” and “In the Free World” present the band at their most derisive as arena-rock ready riffs are delivered atop contemptuous sloganeering.
The EP closes on “Gen Z Death Squad” and “Mind Eater”, Dogs of Eternity’s most direct statement pieces. “Gen Z Death Squad” is a brash stroll through hard rock history, highlighting the band’s ability to strip back to gut churning basics when needed, while “Mind Eater” is their most direct punk song. Two sides of one coin for DoE, they are a fitting close to a stellar debut.